• Potomac Photonics
  • October 01, 2019

New Book on Microfluidics Scale-Up and Strategies to be Released in 2020

New Book on Microfluidics Scale-Up and Strategies to be Released in 2020

Publisher: De Gruyter

ISBN: 978-3-11-063633

To be Published September 2020

Click here for Book

Together with De Gruyter Publishing house, Potomac Photonics Inc. will be launching a new book in 2020. Unlike your traditional microfluidics books that cover theory and fundamentals, this book aims to look beyond that and approach elements that affect all aspects of scale-up and manufacturing strategies for microfluidic devices. This book is specifically focused on Biotechnology related applications, but the scale-up and manufacturing strategies may be implemented for all industries that wish to design microfluidic devices. Potomac Photonics Inc. plans to lead the way in thinking about getting your designs to the market faster and cost effectively.

Although microfluidics has been around for 3 decades, it has not yet experienced a great deal of adoption in industry, as initially predicted. Our book will highlight some key elements about scale-up, design engineering and hope to address some manufacturing strategies as a roadmap for future technologies. In the past, microfluidic device integration almost never accounted for the end user, hence failing to make an impact on the consumer market. A collaboration between engineers, basic scientists and consumers needs to be facilitated to allow a more ‘fluidic’ approach, if you will, into providing a more functional product. Furthermore, educating researchers and consumers in current microfabrication techniques and microfluidic concepts will also enable the adoption of microfluidics as a standard experimental tool. This will hopefully rid the skepticism and opposition faced for the scale-up and mass production of microfluidic devices. We will dwell into some aspects of regulations, standardization, and cost of manufacturing, that have long been limiting factors for most start-up companies that aim to scale-up their microfluidic devices. The reader will be introduced to case studies from academic research institutes, small businesses, and scale-up projects by large companies that will cover the end-to-end process to reach the market. Through this book we aim to familiarize the reader with microfluidics and to provide insight into designing possible strategies for exploring microfluidic for their next big technological advancement.

Keep an eye out for September 2020, launch of our new Book. Look towards Potomac Laser to answer any questions about microfabrication/microfluidic technologies and work together towards designing a manufacturing pathway for your latest device.

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